An Easter Reading
The Last Days for Jesus

Towards the evening Jesus and the Twelve assembled in the upper room.
It would be the last time they would all be together.
Jesus said, "How I have longed to eat this meal with you."
Even here, Judas had betrayal in his heart.

He stood up and took a basin and towel and washed the feet of the Apostles.
This was unheard of, the Master waiting on His disciples.
He told them this is how things were in His realm.

Jesus said, "One of you is about to betray me."
In confusion each cried out, "Is it I, Lord?"
Next to Jesus sat John and he asked the Master who it was.
Jesus said softly, "It is he who takes this morsel."
He offered it to Judas and Judas took it.
Shortly after, Judas left and went out into the night.

After he was gone, Jesus took bread and said, "This is my Body."
He gave it to them to eat. Next, He took wine saying, "This is my Blood."
He gave it to them to drink. Then he said, "Do this in memory of me."

Jesus said, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in Me."
He said "In my Father's house there are many mansions,
otherwise I would not have said to you, I am going to prepare a home for you."

Later on in the night Jesus went to the Garden He asked His apostles
to stay alert so that temptation would not over come them.
He went a little further and falling to the ground
He asked His father if it is possible to have this cup pass Him by but,
if this be His will, He will drink of the bitter cup.

He went sorrowfully to His apostles. They were sleeping.
He asked, "Why, were they not able to spend even one hour with Me?"
Jesus returned to the Garden and great sorrow made Him sweat blood.

He had not been beaten or a crown of thorns was not on His head
and had no nail holes in His body but He was bleeding,
not from physical pain,
but from a pain deep within His soul.
He saw our sins.
The hideous sins in this world, the world His Father had created.

His Father felt His Sons pain and sent an angel to give Him comfort for awhile
until the 'HOUR' had come and Jesus was to make His sacrifice,
this ransom of Himself for us His beloved. He knew what was to come.

He could hear the people coming like mad gangs walking towards Him.
He saw Judas. He said, "Do what needs to be done." Judas gave Jesus a kiss.
The guards arrested Jesus. His trial was a mockery.
One that had to be played out for us or we would not have been saved.
He told the truth and said that He is the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One.
They did not believe Him. They sentenced Him to be crucified.
As He was living this moment of pure evilness His disciple and the 'Chair of Pope'
Peter, had denied him not once but three times.

Pilate had wanted to release him, because he was afraid.
Jesus just might be somebody important, however,
he wanted to be liked by the people of the city.
Pontus Pilate thought he could satisfy the crowd by having Jesus flogged.
The Roman soldiers took this one step farther....
they mocked Jesus and crowned Him with thorns!

Jesus was once again brought before Pilate.
The crowd wanted nothing to do with this broken and beaten Man,
they shouted to have a murderer set free.....Pilate did not know what to do
so he pretended ignorance and gave the people what they wanted
he just washed his hands of this situation like he had nothing to do with it.

The mob was starting to get out of hand.
They were jeering and screaming Crucify Him!! Crucify Him!! Crucify Him!!

At some point in time Jesus' blessed Mother Mary had to be informed
of this horrible ordeal with her Son. How her heart must have been aching
and how I am sure she herself would have wanted to take His place,
so He would not have been in such pain.
How much sorrow she must have felt?

Our Lady of Sorrows was not quite sure at each new minute
what to expect, except what her Son must have told her.
She being an obedient soul would have been like Jesus:
Not her will but the will of God must be done.
She would stand back with sorrow in her heart and watch
and ponder all in her heart and remember the three-day promise.

This 'HOUR' is going to be long and painful and bad, but it will be worth it.
As she watched her Son climb the road to Calvary
and saw how His steps were getting slower and with each step
felt pain though her as well as for Him.
She watched Him fall three times and each time got up.
She must have been so proud of Him.

At one point in this walk it must have been too much for her.
She went to him, but not long as the soldiers made her leave Jesus side
but not before, He looked at her and through that look of love
from each of them she remembered, "Yes, Son. This is the way it has to be."

Finally they are at the base of the mountain, the place called The Scull.
"They are going to crucify my Son." How brave she is?
There are already two other criminals hanging on crosses.

How these Romans like to inflict pain?
Neither one of the other 2 have the wounds that her Son has.

They roughly pull Jesus down on the Cross.
Where are the ropes to bind Him with?
The terror of realization burns into her soul
as she sees a soldier pull heavy nails from his leather bag.

I am sure John tried to comfort her, he probably put his arm around her
and made her turn her face away but no one could block out the sound of hammering
and the sound of a nail going through the flesh of her Sons hands
and than His feet.

As the solders sit the Cross in its upright position she can hear her Son say,
"Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."
He has to be in horrid pain and yet He still speaks words of love
for His beloved children.

As He looks down from the Cross and sees John holding His beloved Mother
Jesus gives to John and to us sinners who have crucified Him with our sins,
His Mother and asks her to be a Mother to us.
How He loves us with His heart that is pure Mercy.
He says He is thirsty, but not for water, for souls.

How He would love for us to learn from Him
and follow His example and to take up our crosses
and bravely follow in His footsteps?

After 3 hours on the Cross and with the weather getting worse,
finally the storm is in full force and in its mist
Mary can hear her Son say,
"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."
Her Son has died.

As John and Nicodemus help prepare Jesus for burial
they take Him off of the Cross and place Him in His Mothers waiting arms.

Finally she may hold her dear Son.
She whispers His blessed name over and over while rocking Him gently.
She takes the crown of thorns off.
Cleans the dirt and blood from His face and body.
She is remembering how she held Him as a child
and cleaned His little dirty face.
How she loves Him! How He loves us!

written by: Tina (5/5/99) [Revisions 3/22/02]

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© Tina's Prayer Gate
Sunday, March 31