May angels rest beside your door,
May you hear their voices sing.
May you feel their loving care for you,
May you hear their peace bells ring.
May angels always care for you,
And not let you trip and fall,
May they bear you up on angel's wings,
May they keep you standing tall.
May they whisper wisdom in your ear,
May they touch you when you need,
May they remove from you each trace of fear,
May they keep you from feeling greed.
May they fill you with their presence,
May they show you love untold,
May they always stand beside you
And make you ever bold.
May they teach you what you need to know
About life here and here-after.
May they fill you always with their love
And give you the gift of laughter
~Author Unknown~

When children lay them down to sleep,
Two Angels come their watch to keep,
Cover them up safely and warm,
Tenderly shield them from ev'ry harm.
But when they wake at dawn of day,
The two Angels go away,
Rest from their work of care and love
For God Himself keeps watch above
~Author Unknown~

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
The bed be blest that I lie on.
Four angels to my bed.
Four angels round my head,
One to watch, and one to pray,
And two to bear my soul away.
~Thomas Ady~


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© Tina's Prayer Gate
September 20, 2012