Divider Bar

There's a place where I go that no one else knows,
Where mysteries abound and excitement grows.
A place out of reach of any man's hands,
Safely secluded in a far away land
Beyond the grasp of those who may plunder
The wealth of its power and its life changing wonder.
I go alone to my secret place, never leaving a trace
For someone to follow and discover my space
Where I keep my secrets, my fears, and my regrets
Away from the world and all of its threats.
It's mine and mine alone!
The only place I can call my own.
I treasure the moments spent in this realm
Where anything is possible and I'm at the helm.
This place I describe is all that it seems ...
It's a magical place I call my dreams.
~ © John Raines ~

I sleep in the clouds, dream in the sky,
I'll keep dreaming as life passes me by,
I think my dreams keep me sane,
I dream of happiness, a life without pain,
some people say I'm stuck in this place,
and I'll never go anywhere,
but in my dreams I've already been there,
I know some day I'll have to wake up,
but I feel the real world is more like a nightmare,
I'm safe in my closed eye wonderland,
this poem goes to all the dreamers that understand,
no matter what they say...
keep your dreams but don't dream your life away,
~ © Ashley L. May ~

Close your eyes and spread your wings.
Make a wish and dream good dreams.
Don't ever say, you'll never tell.
Cause life is short and very frail.
Just be still and take a look.
Before you know it, you'll be hooked.
Then once in a blink of an eye
you'll soon realize it was all a lie.
Up you look and there they're gone.
Why two days feel so long?
What was once there has disappeared.
Now, love is the one thing to fear.
Why say go when it was no?
You open your eyes only to find,
what lied there was your sign.
So close your eyes and spread your wings.
Make a good wish and LIVE your dreams!
~ © Johnitha Anderson ~


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© Tina's Prayer Gate
November 13, 2017