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I want to tell Mom that she (and dad)
did a fine job bringing us up.
I appreciate that they taught us
so much of things of the earth
and for our spirituality.

I love being a Catholic and
appreciate that they got me/us
started in this faith.
I know that they will be
rewarded in their afterlife.

I became very tall,
at a very young age,
much taller then any other children.

Mom gave time honored love to show me
how blessed it is to be this tall.
I am now not ashame to be told,
"Gosh, you are tall, how tall are you?"
Thanks Mom!

I have many fond and loving
Memories of my mom and dad
dancing, to this tune.
Even, sometimes, there
was NO music playing,
except my dad singing to mom.

Thanks mom and dad
for this beautiful image

Patti Page
(Redd Stewart & Pee Wee King)

I was dancin' with my darlin'
To the Tennessee Waltz
When an old friend I happened to see
I introduced her to my loved one
And while they were dancin'
My friend stole my sweetheart from me

I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz
Now I know just how much I have lost
Yes, I lost my little darlin'
The night they were playing
The beautiful Tennessee Waltz

I was dancin' with my darlin'
To the Tennessee Waltz
When an old friend I happened to see
I introduced her to my loved one
And while they were dancin'
My friend stole my sweetheart from me

I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz
Now I know just how much I have lost
Yes, I lost my little darlin'
The night they were playing
The beautiful Tennessee Waltz

I'm also most grateful that Mom
kept up with good loving relations with
both of our grandparents
even though they each lived in far away
states from each other.
What wonderful family reunions we had.
I remember eating great food.
I also remember the cleanup from
all of that after I was growing up but
Loved that we all got together
and shared experiences.

Even our vacations when we went
into cousins classrooms was fun.

I learn to sew from watching
grandma Dutrow, she had talent
patience and love
she was such a gift.
I know I would not be enjoying it
so much now if Mom hadn't help nurture
that aspect of my life.
Grandma was so very gifted
and so is Mom.
Talents abound in our family,
thanks for the nurturing love
of our Mom and Dad.

I love you Mom and want to say a tribute
of Thanks for all that you did
and all that you do.

With Love & Prayers forever and always
for now and into eternity, God Bless you!!!

From Paulina: the Second Oldest Daughter

I wish to thank, my very special,
and gifted friend, Designer Lady
for the design of these pages
God Bless you and yours

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To the Second Youngest: Bonnie

The Prayer Gate
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