No Matter What

No matter what they tell us,
No matter what they do,
No matter what they teach us,
What we believe is true.
No matter what they call us,
How ever they attack,
No matter where they take us,
We'll find our own way back.

I can't deny what I believe.
I can't be what I'm not.
I know I'll love forever,
I know no matter what.
If only tears were laughter,
If only night was day,
If only prayers were answered,
Then we would hear God say,
No matter what they tell you,
No matter what they do,
No matter what they teach you,
What you believe is true.

I will keep you safe and strong
And sheltered from the storm,
No matter where it's barren,
A dream is being born.
No matter who they follow,
No matter where they lead,
No matter how they judge us,
I'll be everything you need.

No matter if the sun don't shine
Or if the skies are blue,
No matter what the ending,
My life began with you.
I can't deny what I believe.
I can't be what I'm not.
I know this love's forever.
That's all that matters now,
No matter what.

Dust if you must

Dust if you must . . .
but wouldn't it be better
To paint a picture, or write a letter?
Bake a cake, or plant a seed?
Ponder the difference between want and need.

Dust if you must . . .
but there is not much time,
With rivers to swim and mountains to climb!
Music to hear, and books to read;
Friends to cherish and life to lead.

Dust if you must . . .
but the world's out there
With the sun in your eyes,
wind in your hair;
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain;
This day will not come around again.

Dust if you must . . .
but bear in mind,
Old age will come and it's not kind.
And when you go, and go you must,
You, yourself, will make more dust.

A house becomes a home when you can write
"I love you" on the furniture.

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Tina's Prayer Gate
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July 3,2002